• Love

  • Joy

  • Hope

  • Peace

  • Community


Matthew 25:31-46  For I was hungry and you gave me something to
eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you
invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked
after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me...I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for

Mission Made Real

Christ's mission is our mission. From
this point forward, all ministries, personnel, and resources of the World
Church will be focused on the whole mission of Jesus Christ through five, life
changing, church changing, and world changing mission initiatives.

Invite People to Christ
Christ's mission of evangelism

Abolish Poverty, End Suffering
Christ's mission of compassion

Pursue Peace on Earth
Christ's mission of justice and peace

Develop Disciples to Serve
Equip individuals for Christ's mission

Experience Congregations in Mission
Equip congregations for Christ's mission

What is the Highlands Four Corners?
Outreach program? It is a program developed at the Highlands that goes far
beyond our four walls and makes it possible for every person in the
congregation to participate.

*It is a chance to help feed the hungryand homeless.

Avenue Center of Hope—(CACH) a 501(c)3 organization serving homeless
and low income persons by providing healthy noon meals, a food pantry, thrift
shop, distributing state commodities, shower facilities, personal bags of
toiletries, candles, lighters, blankets, clothing, and referrals for services
CACH cannot provide. 17,298 meals were served in 2012. It is a struggle to meet
expenses each month just to keep the doors open to serve persons in a safe and
welcome setting.

*To be instrumental in bringing fresh water to a village in Sudan.

Kubi For Hope
The Sudan has suffered two civil wars since independence. A peace agreement was
reached in 2005. The injustice by the northern-dominated Islamic government
devastated villages in South Sudan where there is no clean water, a shortage in
food, and no full medical services. The Highlands has provided Christmas dinner
twice for this community. We want to help them to build water wells to pump
clean water to locations within three walking blocks to avoid long travel for
getting contaminated, unclean water.

*To support the important ministry made possible by
camp M.I.T.I.O.G. (MadeIn The Image Of God)

 A summer camp for children with Spina Bifida. 2013 will
be the 45th camp giving special needs children a chance to worship,
fellowship, explore, and just have a week of fun—and to know they have peers
who have disabilities too. Many never get to spend time away from home to be
with friends except to be in the hospital. These children look forward to the
next camp all year.

*Help to build an educational resourcecenter in Honduras.
Friends United
A non-profit organization formed 26 years ago to help improve education in a
country where the school walls were bare and no books were in sight. Our
current project is to work with the Community of Christ in Orica, Honduras (a
mountainous region) to establish an educational center to improve the ability
for teachers to obtain the materials and supplies necessary to help the
children achieve a better future.

Last year (2013) our goal was to raise$1000 each month with it being divided
evenly among the four ministries being supported by this program.
Some of the funds came from fund raising activities
and a large portion came from sacrifices made by the congregation and put in
the offering every month. The response of the congregation was beyond
expectation and exceeded our goal each month.

The program will continue unchanged
during 2014. You are encouraged to continue to make a sacrifice each month and
place the resulting funds in the enclosed envelope and bring it on the 4th
Sunday each month. The monthly results will be published in the Highlights.

Some ways you can help:

*Participate in the fundraisers.

*Fast one meal a week (health permitting)
*Give up a stop at the coffee shop one morning per week
*Give up going to the movies once a month.

Set that money aside for the program.   Each family or individual could
find an area of their life where they could sacrifice something for the benefit
of others through this ministry program. The time normally spent doing what you
choose to sacrifice could be used to pray for the success of this project or
other matters.

Luke 14:13-14  But when you give a banquet, invite the poor,
the crippled, the lame, the blind and you will be blessed. Although they cannot
repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

How to Use the Envelopes

Most of you received a packet of twelve
envelopes to be used for giving to the Four Corners Outreach Ministry; one for
each month. Please decide what sacrifice you are willing to make and then place
the money in the envelope, bring it on the 4th Sunday of the month
and place it in the offering. The envelopes can be put in the offering any time
of the month, however you are encouraged to bring them to church on the 4th
Sunday of each month. If you prefer to use your regular duplex envelopes just
designate on one of the blank lines the amount you want to go to Four Corners
Outreach. Many of you will no doubt think of a sacrifice you can make to help
make this project a success.

If you need envelopes,
please inform the church office or go to the Greeter desk. Thank You


World Hunger Emphasis Day
Communion Sunday
Practice Christ-like Hospitality