• Love

  • Joy

  • Hope

  • Peace

  • Community

Inviting the disaffected to rejoin our Church family:

Luke 15:3-7

New International Version

3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? 5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ 7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
The parable of the lost sheep can be applied to members/friends of the Highlands Congregation who ‘wander away’ from our fellowship. The leaving may result from having been offended by another’s’ actions/statement, a family/personal crisis, lack of opportunity to serve in a meaningful way, or a simple lack of attention by others in our fellowship.
How do we ‘joyfully carry’ our fellow member/friend back to the Highlands fold?
If I do not see or hear from someone with whom I have recently experienced a disagreement it is my responsibility to reach out to them, directly asking if I have offended them. If so, I need to ask forgiveness. I may need to enlist the guidance and support of other persons for their return.
I need to maintain a close enough relationship with others in our Church community to be aware of whenever someone is in personal crisis. Then respond through prayer and asking directly to assist. Following up regularly with compassion and offers of assistance.


Special Announcement

Greetings!! We hope everyone's week has been going well so far.  We have a couple of things we would like to share with the congregation.
First of all, we know it was announced in last week's Highlights, but there will be a very important Priesthood meeting this Sunday, October 4, at 7:00 pm on Zoom.   We plan to share about a few of the changes that had been alluded to in our letter to the congregation a few weeks ago that we will be putting into place for 2021.  We would like the priesthood support for these as well as their help in implementing. 
Second, the Keehler family has graciously continued to mow the grass on the Highland's property for the last six months since we last met for in-person worship.  Thank you very much Keehlers' for serving the congregation in this way.  As always, it is very much appreciated. 
Even though the grass has continued to be maintained, there is still other maintenance tasks that need to be completed on the grounds; especially now that we are planning on returning to at least hybrid worship services.   The landscaping beds need to be weeded and the plants and bushes also need to be trimmed or pruned among other tasks.  As such, we are calling for a Highland's Workday for this Saturday from 10:00 to 4:00.  Please plan to come and help in maintaining our church home.  If you cannot commit to the entire day, please come and help as much as you are able. Please bring your own gardening tools and gloves along with your own lunch.  Due to COVID restrictions, the congregation is unable to provide food for this activity.  We will also be wearing masks if the tasks we are assigned bring us in close proximity to others that are not in our immediate family.  If your family has lawn care bags (paper ones for yard waste) please bring those too. 
Finally, the Midlands Mission Center conference will be held on October 18 on Zoom.  Included with that conference will be an online worship that morning that our Apostle, Janné Grover, will be speaking at.  We will not be conducting a congregational worship that day and will encourage everyone to attend the Mission Center worship.  The difficulties that happened in July with the online worship during the Mission Center reunion have been resolved. So, everyone should be able to attend without issue.  The link to register for this worship will be sent out to you in a separate email.  We invite everyone to join with our brothers and sisters around the Mission Center for worship on that day.  
As we continue to journey together as a family, we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers as we ask for your continued prayers and support.  
Many blessings to each of you. 
Dawn and Wendy


World Hunger Emphasis Day
Communion Sunday
Practice Christ-like Hospitality