• Love

  • Joy

  • Hope

  • Peace

  • Community

The Highlands Community of Christ facilities are available to rent for weddings – both for members of the congregation and for non-members. Weddings may be performed by a Community of Christ minister or another Christian minister of choice with approval of our pastor.



The Facilities:

Our sanctuary seats over 350 people .  The rostrum is raised and is large
enough to hold the entire wedding party.
A grand piano and organ is available to provide music for your wedding.

Foyer Alcove


The church has a covered entry area that allows passengers to be dropped off under cover
if bad weather occurs.  There is a parking lot on both sides of the church.



Other Available Facilities


Highlands Wedding Information
·         The Wedding ceremony is a religious sacrament. Please plan your service and activities in the best of taste for a church setting

·         Please make an appointment to view the facilities and discuss wedding plans with our WBC (Wedding Building Coordinators) before deciding whether or not you’d like to have your ceremony here.

·         Contact for the WBC can be made through the Administrative Assistant to the Highlands at 816-468-7878 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

·         The WBC will contact our Event Scheduler for preliminary dates; then within 7 days a deposit must be received and contract signed for final calendar reservations

·         Deposit check (Payable to Highlands Community of Christ) or cash need to be mailed or brought by Highlands Community of Christ; 7815 N Platte Purchase Drive; Kansas City, MO 64118

·         No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the premises--inside or out
·         No smoking in building
·         No food or drink in sanctuary

·         Rental of sanctuary includes dressing rooms, public areas during ceremony, use of sanctuary during rehearsal (times not before 9am and vacated by 10pm unless previous arrangements made through WBC)
·         Only rooms assigned by WBC are to be used
·         Silk flower petals only for use by flower girls

·         Wall hangings or pictures etc. may not be removed without permission
·         Rice may not be used. Birdseed, bubbles, and real flower petals are acceptable alternates for use outside of the facility

·         WBC will have list of available organists/pianists

·         Security issues are a normal part of any large event. Although the Highlands cannot be responsible for stolen articles, we will make every effort to assist in preventing theft. The ceremony party is responsible for securing all gifts.

·         All décor is to be cleared through the WBC--No tacks, nails, or tape is permitted on walls or furniture. Décor must be removed within rental time

·         The WBC is required to assist with all weddings

·         Financial responsibility for any damage to church property sustained during the rehearsal, ceremony or reception by anyone involved in the ceremony, guest/participant, is the sole responsibility of contract signatory

·         Weddings may be performed by a Community of Christ minister or another Christian minister of choice with approval of our pastor

·         Sanctuary seats over 350 people and fellowship hall/gym can hold as many as 500 people for receptions (rental of extra tables & chairs responsibility of Wedding party)

·         A grand piano and/or organ is available to provide music with extra charge of a staff pianist/organist



Practice Resurrection
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20
Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1; Luke 6:17-26;
Doctrine and Covenants 164:3b